The use of innovative teaching strategy has been identified as one of issues History and
Government subject teaching in various secondary schools. Based on the 2016-2019
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education results the performance of History and
Government in Kericho County have been declining. The aim of the investigation was
to establish the influence of selected innovative teaching strategies on KCSE history
and government performance in secondary schools in Kericho County. The objectives
of this study were to establish; the influence of project-based learning, inquiry based,
dramatisation, cooperative and use of information and communication technology on
History and government performance in secondary schools in Kericho County. The
study adopted Bruner (1966) theory. A descriptive survey research design guided the
study. The study targeted 230 Head of Departments, 503 History and government
teachers and 2340 Learners undertaking History and Government subject. Purposive
sampling technique was applied in selection of 69 heads of department and simple
random sampling method was used to select 69 Teachers of history and 223 History
students. The sample size was 361 respondents. Questionnaires, structured interview
and observation schedule was used for data collection. Descriptive statistics were used
to analyse data. The data was presented in tabular form using frequencies, percentages
and inferential statistics. The study found that project-based learning assisted the
students to be independent and able to ask question and teachers were able to give task
and assess student with ease. It was strongly correlated with achievement of History
and Government. Inquiry based learning was significant on achievement of History and
Government. This reduced cramming and increase cognitive development of students.
Dramatisation was found to be creative method that made students to be proactive. It
also assisted student understanding, socialization and arouse imagination hence
influence significantly the achievement of History and Government. Cooperative
learning method was also found to be correlated with achievement of History and
Government. It motivated students’ leadership, decision-making and communication
skills. The integration of ICT as learning tool and method showed that it enriched
student with more information. The use of ICT learning positively influenced the
achievement of History and Government. The study concluded that project learning,
inquiry learning, dramatisation, Cooperative learning and ICT learning assisted
significantly the achievement of History and Government. The study recommended that
History teacher should integrate more than one innovative learning method since they
have different benefit in both knowledge and skill to the learner. It also encourages the
school and teacher to consider further training especially in ICT learning technique
through seminar and workshop. This would equip history and government teacher to
improve lesson delivery and increase performance. It also recommended the
government to pay a major role in ensuring provision of teaching resources that would
assist in utilization of innovative learning methods.