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Marriage is vital to our nature as human beings in society. This is because it forms the foundation of the family, both in terms of procreation and nurture. It is therefore, imperative that the Christian church clarify, teach, and faithfully uphold what the Bible says about marriage. The church must also speak biblically to the issues affecting marriage such as divorce which is a critical matter affecting the society today including the church membership. This happens despite the church teaching and policies on marriage as a permanent union. It is against this background that the study found it necessary to investigate the role of church policies in mitigating divorce cases among Christian families in the Anglican Church Bondo Deanery. The following objectives guided the study: to examine causes of divorce among Christian families, to assess the impact of divorce on Christian families, to establish the Church policy on marriage and divorce among Christian families and to evaluate the strategies put in place by the church to curb divorce rate among Christian families. The study was anchored on two theories that is the Functionalist Theory founded by Emile Durkheim and Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love. The study targeted a population of 9 Vicars, 359 church official heading various departments,3050 Christian families and 100 divorcees. The study adopted Qualitative research design. Qualitative data was collected from Parish Vicars, Divorcee’s, church leaders and Christian families using questionnaire and interview schedules. Data was analysed using thematic and narrative approach and results presented using graphs, tables, charts and narrations. The findings revealed that 68% strongly agreed that Anglican Church policies on marriage and divorce are accessible to members, however, members still find it difficult to implement some of the policies as required leading to marriage divorce. Financial problems 92.5%, infidelity 80% and communication problems 62% were identified as frequently causing divorce. Divorce was seen to be having devastating effects on families and the society at large. Additionally the church was found to be highly involved in Premarital and post marital counselling programs and pastoral counselling programs 29.7% and lowly involved in organizing marriage seminars, training, workshops 55.7% and provision of marriage literature 45.7%. The study findings recommends that the church leadership to; establish family meetings days, regularize induction and training of church leaders on marital matters, strengthen marriage mentorship programs, organizes marriage seminars and workshop to church members targeting youth’s department and the couples and finally strengthen the existing church guidance and counselling department. The suggested recommendations if implemented will help church departments such mothers’ union, youth department, married couple and potential marriage couples, pastors and other church leaders to address perennial marital challenges leading to divorce experienced by church members. |
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