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Dynamism Of Cultural Image On Gender Relations Among The Luo Of Central Nyanza In Kenya (1945 – 2010)

Show simple item record Awuor, Walter Odhiambo 2025-01-15T06:52:00Z 2025-01-15T06:52:00Z 2022-11
dc.identifier.other MAS11/60277/15
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/8225
dc.description.abstract Since the colonial to the post-independence period, several laws in Kenya have been an indelible source of women's marginalization. Furthermore, the Luo as a community remains challenged in ensuring the active and equal participation of women socially, economically, and politically, forming this study's basis. The study aimed at exploring the dynamism of cultural image on gender relations among the Luo of central Nyanza in Kenya 1945 - 2010. Specifically, the study to pursue the following objectives: to analyze the nature of cultural image on gender relations among the Luo of Central Nyanza in Kenya 1945-1963; to examine the implications of Kenya government and United nations policies on gender relations among the Luo of Central Nyanza, 1963 - 1991 and to evaluate the dynamics of the cultural image in gender relations among the Luo of Central Nyanza 1991 -2010. The study was guided by three theories, namely; theory of change, gender and development theory and Liberal feminism theory. Guided by these theories and using descriptive research study design, older senior citizens and custodian knowledgeable people on gender relation issues of cultural history of clans targeted for the study were taken from Central Nyanza region using purposive and snowball sampling techniques. The study deployed the use of both primary and secondary methods in collection of data. The snowballing techniques were employed to identify the informants. Primary data was collected through in-depth interview and document analysis and Archival research. Qualitative data was analysed using content analysis technique used to identify the patterns that emerge from text by grouping contents into words, concepts and themes. The study found that biased, patriarchal, cultural laws are still common among the Luo of Central Nyanza hence breeding gender inequality in education, agriculture, and political field, causing lack of empowerment to women and consequently leading to macro impoverization among the female gender. The study further found that from colonial to postcolonial period little have been done to improve women's welfare in the socio-economic and political field, with only small magnitude of women development seen as a result of multiparty democracy in the late Moi regime and majorly as a result of UN intervention on women issues. A new constitution in Kenya in 2010 enshrined the protection of women's rights in various fields however; the study found that more work needs to be done by legislature to enact the laws as acts of parliament and finally allowing the actualization of the gender-friendly constitution born during Kibaki tenure. The study would be of great benefit to; Scholars, Researchers, The Kenya government on the political undertaking, political parties, the Ministry of education on gender equality in the education sector, Cultural and Heritage Ministry on cultural equality improvement and finally useful to our religious institutions for gender mainstreaming. The study recommended that; biased patriarchal customs and cultural laws spearheading gender inequality in socio-economic and political endeavors should be eradicated for gender equality to prevail among the Luo of central Nyanza. The study further recommends that; Government should formulate crystal clear policies on gender equality by ensuring statutory laws and Acts of parliament are enacted and actualized to allow gender rights to be exercised and actualized equally as prescribed by the Promulgated 2010 Kenya new Constitution. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher kisii university en_US
dc.subject Dynamism Of Cultural Image en_US
dc.subject Gender Relations Among The Luo en_US
dc.subject Central Nyanza en_US
dc.subject Kenya en_US
dc.title Dynamism Of Cultural Image On Gender Relations Among The Luo Of Central Nyanza In Kenya (1945 – 2010) en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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