Kisii University Institutional Repository

Optimization Of Magnetohydrodynamic Parameters In A Two Dimensional Incompressible Fluid Flow On A Porous Channel

Show simple item record Onyancha, Carolyne Kwamboka 2025-02-24T14:30:17Z 2025-02-24T14:30:17Z 2023
dc.identifier.other MPS12/70001/18
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/8291
dc.description.abstract The speed of a liquid at any given position in space varies with time in constant flow. However, practically all flows are unstable in some way, resulting in velocity variations over time. Magnetohydrodynamics parameters optimization of incompressible fluid flow on a porous channel was evaluated in this case. The fluid flow was considered as viscous, unsteady, incompressible and flowing in a two dimensional porous channel. The study identified the impact of optimizing the magnetic parameter and Darcy number on velocity profiles, the impact of Eckert value on temperature profile in the flow and the effects of optimizing pressure was also analyzed. The governing equations were solved numerically using the Finite Difference Method (FDM) and the Partial Differential Equations obtained were solved using the Central Scheme (SC). The velocity profile was inversely affected by the magnetic parameters along the porous channel and it indicated that an increased in Darcy number relatively led to an increase in the velocity profile along the porous channel. The temperature profile increased with an increase in the Eckert number whereas the temperature in the flow decreased with decrease in the Eckert number. The fluid pressure was also analyzed to have an inverse effect on the velocity profile. To increase velocity profile in the flow along the channel, a decrease in the pressure was required. The optimum velocity was realized at the lowest pressure in the fluid flow. These results were tabulated and analyzed by tables and graphs with the help of MATLAB software. The study results are applicable in the nuclear heat transfer control in industries and will contribute towards giving alternative methodology and equations that are applicable in engineering where optimization of Magnetohydrodynamic parameters is essential. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Kisii University en_US
dc.subject Optimization Of Magnetohydrodynamic Parameters en_US
dc.subject A Two Dimensional Incompressible Fluid Flow en_US
dc.subject Porous Channel en_US
dc.title Optimization Of Magnetohydrodynamic Parameters In A Two Dimensional Incompressible Fluid Flow On A Porous Channel en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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