User education is a life-long process among the activities of the library since users need education to use library resources, facilities and services. The primary purpose of user education is to ensure that users are aware of the available resources and how to access them to support their needs. There has been lack of optimization on the use of e-resources in organizations as a result of inadequate and ineffective user education programmes. The purpose of this study was to examine user education programmes on utilization of electronic resources at the Kenya Revenue Authority Library in Nairobi Headquarters with a view of proposing a model for implementation. The objectives of the study were to: investigate types of user education programmes for utilizing of e-resources at the KRA library; establish staff capacity in implementing user education programme at the KRA library; assess application of ICTs in provision of user education for utilization of electronic resources (e-resources) and propose a model for implementing user education at KRA library. The literature review rotated around the subthemes of the study. The study was anchored on behaviourism theory and adopted a descriptive survey research design. The study employed mixed method research approach. The target population of the study was 850 respondents being the total number of employees at the KRA Head Office from which a sample size of 150 respondents were drawn. Convenience sampling technique was employed to the main respondents while purposive sampling was employed for the 5-library staff who were the Key respondents. Quantitative data was presented and analyzed using tables, clustered columns and pie-charts while qualitative data was analyzed thematically. The findings of the study were that: KRA management had not put in place staff training programmes to train staff to enhance their capacity to implement user education programme; internet infrastructure was inadequate; there was inadequate funding to promote purchase of enough e- resources and associated equipment; and that KRA library staff were not conducting frequent user surveys. The study concluded that although KRA library had put in place user education programmes such as; Library orientation; bibliographic instruction and library instruction, the electronic resources (e- resources) at the KRA library were still underutilized. The study therefore recommended that; KRA management to put in place a robust programme of improving library staff capacity so that they can implement user education programmes competently and KRA management to allocate enough funds so as to take care of internet infrastructure among others.