Television drama series is a mirror of the society. It has far reaching effects on the viewers
‗perception of social issues in every culture and society. This is because the television
drama series constructs a reality that the viewers` believe to be true or ideal. The purpose of
this study was to examine the effect of Papa Shirandula television series on the viewers`
perception of masculinity and femininity in Kakamega municipality. Specific objectives
included; to establish the existing stereotypes of masculinity and femininity in the society,
to examine how Papa Shirandula television drama series Portray femininity and
Masculinity among the viewers and to assess the effect of Papa Shirandula TV drama in
stereotyping femininity and masculinity on the viewers. The study employed social
construction of reality theory and social learning theory. This research was carried out
among the audiences of Papa Shirandula TV show in Kakamega municipality. A
descriptive survey design was adopted in the study. The target population was 442 from
which a sample of 133 households in was derived using simple Random sampling
technique. Interviews, focused group discussions and content analysis were used to
generate data. Data analysis was done using the qualitative data analysis techniques which
were: identification, indexing, charting and interpretation. Reliability and validity of the
Research instruments were ensured through a pilot study. The results showed that
femininity was portrayed in terms of a woman being a house wife, homemaker and mother;
ignorant, inferior, emotional and dependent on men while masculinity was portrayed in
terms of a man being a breadwinner, head of family, superior, non-emotional, independent
and decision maker. The study concluded that Papa Shirandula television drama Series has
effect on viewers‘ perception of masculinity and femininity, by replicating and reinforcing
stereotypes of men and women already existing in the society. The study recommended that
television drama content creators ought to develop content devoid of the traditional gender
stereotypes and aim at ensuring gender equality and incorporate emerging issues that
younger generation can relate to and learn from, in their programmes.