Kisii University Institutional Repository

Influence Of Strategic Social Media Marketing Channel And Technology On An Enterprise’s Market Share: A Critical Review Of Literature

Show simple item record Maina, Zirwel Rasugu 2025-03-13T10:29:13Z 2025-03-13T10:29:13Z 2018
dc.identifier.other DCB/10040/14
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/8346
dc.description.abstract This is a critical review of literature on the influence of strategic social media marketing channels and technology on enterprise‘s market share. The independent paper empirically reviewed author‘s literature in the order o case studies, qualitative studies, quantitative studies and articles respectively. Study findings showed that, marketing trends have changed drastically and the current trend witnessed now has re-shaped the traditional marketing concepts and perspective of marketing thus rendering many of the ineffective and obsolete. The new trends have given rise to digital marketing which is developing continuously and now becoming more complex. The empirical reviews pointed out several research gaps: the knowledge gap, research gap, information gap and the skill gap among other in the digital marketing literature. The reviews established various conflicts, including, overlapping conflicts that need to be more clearly distinguished and insignificant appreciation to the positive or negative hedonic value and there various constructs. It became apparent that, although social media technology marketing technology is a well-researched topic, it has not been extensively researched. Such were proven by research gaps pointed out in the study, research flows and conflicts found out in some of the literature reviewed. For coherence, there is need for a research to bridge the gaps and flows found in the study. The new study should try to harmonize conflicts noted. The new study aims to expand further the current scholarly literature into greater heights. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Kisii University en_US
dc.subject Influence Of Strategic Social Media Marketing Channel en_US
dc.subject Technology On An Enterprise’s Market Share en_US
dc.subject Critical Review Of Literature en_US
dc.title Influence Of Strategic Social Media Marketing Channel And Technology On An Enterprise’s Market Share: A Critical Review Of Literature en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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