Kisii University Institutional Repository

Effect Of New Employee Onboarding Practices On Employee Performance At Sub-County Hospitals In Kisii County, Kenya

Show simple item record Nyaribo, Nancy Kerubo 2024-08-13T09:21:07Z 2024-08-13T09:21:07Z 2023
dc.identifier.other MCB12/00001/18
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3305
dc.description.abstract Sub-County hospital in Kenya serves as the coordinating and referral center for the smaller units within each Sub-County. They typically have the means to offer complete medical and surgical treatments, which are overseen by Sub-County Medical Officers who are the administrators. New employees may experience Starting a new job can be nerve-racking without proper introduction. Good employee onboarding comes in handy to instill clear job objectives as well as a foundation for comprehending the full organizational requirements and processes. The study investigated the effect of new employee onboarding practices on employee performance at Sub-County Hospitals in Kisii County, Kenya. Specifically, it aimed at determining the effects of employee orientation, coaching, mentoring, and follow-up evaluation plan on employee performance. The study applied social learning theory and human capital theory. The research used a quantitative survey design. The study involved 498 Sub-County Hospital employees, with a sample size of 222 respondents determined using the Yamane method. In order to determine the reliability of the research instrument, a Sub-County Hospital was randomly selected for piloting. The instrument was found to be suitable for the study, with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.70. The study used purposive sampling and simple random sampling and structured questionnaires were used to gather primary data. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 25 and presented in the form of graphs and tables. The results of the study indicated that three of the four predictor variables were statistically significant, with employee oorientation with (β=.178, p-value=.003<0.05), employee mentoring (β=0.149, p-value=.000<0.05), and employee follow-up evaluation plan (β=.157, p-value=.004<0.05), and while employee coaching (β=.726, p-value of .726 > 0.05) thus, statistically insignificant. The research suggests that the Kisii County Government should provide adequate resources to Sub County Hospitals in Kenya to facilitate the implementation of new staff coaching. It also recommends further research be done on the barriers towards the successful implementation of new employee coaching practice in Sub-County hospital in Kisii County, Kenya. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Kisii University en_US
dc.subject New Employee Onboarding Practices en_US
dc.subject Employee Performance en_US
dc.subject Sub-County Hospitals en_US
dc.subject Kisii en_US
dc.subject Kenya en_US
dc.title Effect Of New Employee Onboarding Practices On Employee Performance At Sub-County Hospitals In Kisii County, Kenya en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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