dc.description.abstract |
Resource allocation practices, procurement method utilized, procurement approval obtained,
and integration practices implemented play an important role in the performance of county
governments, Kenya. For Counties to continue providing services there has to be a
procurement plan and ways of implementing it. Countiesin Kenya have trouble in
implementing procurement plans. In light of this, therefore, the study sought to fill the gap by
assessing the effects of Procurement PlanImplementation practices on the performance of
County Governments in Kenya, (Case of KisiiCounty Government). The specific objectives
were to analyze the effects of resource allocation practices, to establish the contributions of
Procurement methodutilized, to establish the effects of Procurement approvals obtained,
tofind out the effects of integration practicesimplementedand to determine the moderating
effects of Government policies and regulations on the relationship between procurement plan
Implementation practices and performance of Kisii County government, Kenya. This study
focused on the Implementation theory and Resource-based view theory. Descriptive Survey
research design was adopted, with a target population of4935 employees in Kisii County
Government. Yamane formula was used to determine the sample for the study n= 370
respondents. Questionnaireswere used to collect primary data. The collected data was
analyzed using quantitative technique. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive
statistical measures of central tendency such as mean and percentages. The information
arising from analyzed data was presented in tables and figures. Resource allocation practices,
procurement method utilized, procurement approval obtained and integration practices
implemented found to have an effect on the performance of Kisii County Government,
Kenya. From correlation analysis, it concluded that procurement approval obtained and
integration implemented during procurement plan implementation was positively and
significantly correlated to performance of county government and statistically significant
respectively. The study recommended that the county should adopt information technology in
its dailyoperations to support information sharing. The County should fasttrackdisbursement
of funds budgeted for procurement plan implementation to avoid delayed service delivery to
customers.Further studies would be more appropriate in areas that compare the effects of
Procurement plan implementation practices on the performance of Parastatals and National
Government Ministries, Kenya. This would seem likely to lead to new insights and therefore
deepen the effort, which have been made in this study. |
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