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Influence Of Parental Participation On Learners Performance In Mathematics In Selected Public Early Years Education Centres In Emuhaya Sub - County, Vihiga County, Kenya

Show simple item record Kwendo, Ressy Khasayi 2025-02-27T13:29:46Z 2025-02-27T13:29:46Z 2022-09
dc.identifier.other EM17/04550/15
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/8316
dc.description.abstract Research reveals that parental participation has a constructive influence on pupils’ learning and accomplishment in schools. However, researchers have had inconsistent findings on how and to what extent parental participation influences pre-scholars learner’s Mathematics outcomes. The aim of the research was to investigate Influence of parental participation on learners’ performance in Mathematics in Public EYE centres in Emuhaya Sub - County, Vihiga County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to: analyse the influence of parental learning at home support on Mathematics outcomes of EYE pupils, determine the influence of school to home and home to school communication on Mathematics outcomes of EYE pupils, investigate the influence of parental volunteering in school activities on Mathematics outcomes of EYE pupils, and to assess the influence of parental attitudes on Learners mathematics performance in public EYE centres in Emuhaya Sub - County. The research was grounded on Epstein’s (1995) theory of overlapping spheres of influence. A mixed methods research design guided this investigation. The target population was 53 head teachers, 108 EYE, 1927 pre-school parents, 1927 EYE pupils and 1 pre-school Sub County Programme officer. Simple Random Sampling approach was applied when selecting 16 head teachers, 32 EYE (30% of the study population) 193 parents (10% of the study population) and 20 learners were selected using multistage simple random sampling technique. Purposive Sampling technique on the other hand was employed to select 1 pre-school Sub County Programme officer (100%). The study used Focused Groups, Interview Schedules, Discussion Guides, Questionnaires, and Observation Checklist to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. Test-retest method was used to establish reliability of research instruments, while validity was ascertained by expert judgment of the research instruments. Quantitative data was analysed through descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. Qualitative data was analysed thematically according to various themes. Data presentation was through table and graphs for quantitative data and narrations for qualitative data. Findings revealed a positive correlation at 0.578 significance level between mathematics outcomes and parental home support, 0.662 significance level between home to school communication and school to home communication, a moderate correlation at 0.478 significance level between mathematics outcomes and parental volunteering and a strong positive correlation at 0.728 significance level between mathematics outcomes and parental attitudes. The study concluded that parental home support, two-way communication from home to school and vice versa, volunteering in school activities and positive parental attitudes were significant predictors of learners’ academic outcomes especially in mathematics activities. The study recommended the following; parents are to sensitised on the importance of mathematics activities, create time and assist their children with homework, provide both writing and reference materials for mathematics activities, School managers and administrators to put in place strategies and practices to make parents feel welcome and valuable at school and also introduce programmes that will ensure parents participate in school activities such as school open days, academic clinics and trips. For the policy makers in the ministry of education it was recommended that they come up with policies that encourage parental engagement in their children education for better outcomes. The study is significant to various pre-school stakeholders such as the parents, school managers and administrators, EYE teachers and trainees, and policy makers in the ministry of education. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Kisii University en_US
dc.subject Influence Of Parental Participation en_US
dc.subject Learners Performance In Mathematics en_US
dc.subject Vihiga en_US
dc.subject Kenya en_US
dc.title Influence Of Parental Participation On Learners Performance In Mathematics In Selected Public Early Years Education Centres In Emuhaya Sub - County, Vihiga County, Kenya en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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