dc.description.abstract |
Poultry farming stands out among the majority of livestock enterprises because of its merits. Its products are generally preferred and accepted widely as they are free of the social and religious beliefs associated with other livestock. Poultry layers productivity has been on a downward trend in Kisii County leading to sourcing of eggs from other counties and countries for example Kakamega, Nakuru County and Uganda respectively. The main objective was to investigate the effects of strategic management practices on growth of poultry layers production. Specific objectives were; to find out the effects of goals setting on growth of poultry layers production, to examine the effects of innovations on growth of poultry layers production, and to determine the effects of benchmarking practices on growth of poultry layers production. This study was anchored on Strategic Fit Theory and supported by Goal setting theory, Resource-Based Theory as well as Resource Dependence Theory. This study adopted both descriptive and correlation research design. It employed stratified random sampling design with a target population of 104 poultry layers farmers. A sample size of 92 respondents was employed and closed ended questionnaires used in primary data gathering. Face validity was used in testing validity with the help of supervisors, research and poultry farming expertise. Pilot study was done in Nyaribari masaba Sub County. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were used to test reliability of research instrument. Descriptive and Inferential statistics was done to establish relationships. Analyzed data was presented in tables. Results showed that strategic practices of Goal setting, Innovation and Benchmarking working together explain 78.4% of the increase in growth of poultry layers production enterprises r2 =0.784. Goal setting had a weak, insignificant and negative relationship with growth of poultry layers production enterprises r=-.043, p=.698>0.1. Innovation had a weak, insignificant and positive relationship with growth of poultry layers production enterprises r=.043, p=.698>0.1. Benchmarking had a strong, significant and positive association with growth of poultry layers production enterprises r=-.868, p=.000<0.1. This study concludes that strategic practices of Goal setting, Innovation and Benchmarking had a positive and significant change in growth of poultry layers production enterprises in Nyaribari Chache Sub County. Increase in goal setting would lead to an insignificant reduction in growth of poultry layers production enterprises in Nyaribari Chache Sub-County. Increase in innovation would lead to a positive insignificant increase in growth of poultry layers production enterprises in Nyaribari Chache Sub-County. Increase in benchmarking would lead to a positive significant increase in growth of poultry layers production enterprises in Nyaribari Chache Sub-County. The study recommended that poultry layers farmers should hire experts who can set goals; formulate smart and easily achievable objectives for them. Those who cannot afford to pay experts should take refresher courses to reduce the cost of outsourcing experts. Further, poultry layers farmers should invest more in innovative product processing to make sure that the products they sell are of higher quality and right quantity. Finally, they should increase benchmarking, as it would affect poultry layers production growth positively and significantly. |
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