A deeper understanding of such preference dynamics can help marketing managers’ better design marketing program and build a long term relationship with consumers. Despite the existence of some studies investigating how brand preference is built and changed, most of them focus on examining factors from consumer friendliness or advertising perspective. The purpose of this study was to investigate effect of consumer friendliness on brand preference at Ken Knit limited Eldoret, Uasin Gishu county, Kenya. The objectives of the study were: to establish the effect of product value experience on brand preference at Ken Knit Limited in Eldoret; to examine the effect of pricing offers on brand preference at Ken Knit Limited in Eldoret; to explore the effectof organizational loyalty programs on brand preference at Ken Knit Limited in Eldoret and to examine the effect of Customer Relations Management on brand preference at Ken Knit Limited in Eldoret. The study was conducted through a case study design. This study was carried out in Ken Knit Limited Eldoret. The study targeted 441 respondents including Marketing Managers, Employeesand Customers of Ken Knit Limited.The desired sample size was thus comprised of 205 outpatients. Questionnaires and interview schedule were used as the main tool for collecting data from the respondents. The study used Cronbach’s Alpha to assess the reliability of the instrument. The validity of research instrument was based on experts’ opinion unchecked on the content of validity, the extent to which the instrument measured what it was intended to measure.Data was organized and analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (regression analysis). This study used tables, figures and percentages to present the information. The study findings revealed that there was a significant relationship between product value experience and brand preference (p=0.000); there was a significant relationship between pricing offers and brand preference (p=0.000); there was a significant relationship between organizational loyalty programs and brand preference (p=0.000) and that there was a significant relationship between customer relationship management and brand preference (p=0.000). The study concluded that companies provide excellent real-time customer service by developing a relationship with each valued customer. The study recommended that, since product quality offered by a brand can effect quality perceptions and brand choice there is need to improve on the quality of the products