Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies have significantly contributed to the growth of Kenyan
economy through empowering members to save, access credit and mobilize resources for
instance in Kenya today it is a requirement for all public service vehicles operators to be
members of a SACCO. However, a majority of the SACCOs in the recent past have faced a
number of challenges in retaining membership, mobilizing resources and consequently reduction
in share capital. This study assessed the relationship between Competitive Strategies and the
performance of Mwalimu National Sacco. The objectives that guided the study were to establish
the relationship between marketing strategy and the performance of Mwalimu National SACCO
Society, determine the relationship between low cost strategy and the performance of Mwalimu
National SACCO Society, establish the relationship between product differentiation strategy and
the performance of Mwalimu National SACCO Society and to determine the moderating role of
SACCO size on performance of Mwalimu National SACCO. The study was carried out at
Mwalimu National Sacco head office at Nairobi Kenya. Descriptive survey design was used. The
study targeted a total of three hundred (300) employees of the Mwalimu National Sacco. The
researcher adopted Yamane (1967) formula to obtain a sample which was two hundred and
fourteen (214). The sample size of 214 was then apportioned to the various strata which are
cadres of staff namely Managers, Accountants, Tellers, Human Resource and Marketing officers.
Stratified sampling technique was used to obtain a representative sample. Primary data was
collected using structured questionnaires. They were administered through drop and pick
method. Secondary data was obtained from relevant literature review of annual reports, financial
statements. Validity of data collection instrument was ascertained by use of my supervisors and
research experts. Reliability was calculated by using split half method. Cronbach alpha was be
calculated and it was above 0.6, deeming the research instrument reliable (Creswell, 2016). Data
was analyzed by use of, descriptive statistics (mean, frequencies and percentages), multiple
regression model and Pearson Product Moment Coefficient. Data analysis was aided by
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).Frequency tables were used to present the data.
The study findings indicated that there was a positive relationship between competitive strategies
and the performance of Mwalimu National SACCO. The study recommended that Mwalimu
National SACCO should encourage integration of competitive strategies in its operations to
enable employees to feel incorporated in the workplace and to boost SACCO performance.